Technical requirements
We recommend installing TimelyScript on Windows 10.
We have verified that it also works on Windows 7, but some incompatibility may arise that we would not be able to fix. Microsoft no longer provides any technical support.
The installer is a standard Windows installer. ↓
Just run the installer and follow the instructions as they pop up.
Follow the same process as in Installation. And don’t forget the importance of making regular backup copies of your data. (data files →)
Installation security
Depending on the level of security you have on your computer, you may see a warning from Microsoft Defender SmartScreen (the Windows 10 security system).
1.- Click on “More information”.
Microsoft Defender will show you the file’s security data:
- The full name of the application
- The name of the publisher, which is the natural person granted with the certificate, in our case “José Ignacio Bracho Villagrá”.
This tells you that Microsoft Defender SmartScreen has read and verified the authenticity of the certificate.
2.- Click on “Run anyway”.
From now on the application will be installed normally and safely.
Depending on the antivirus you have installed, you may also receive several alerts.
Possibly, the antivirus may want to send the whole file for further analysis.
The reason is the same: this is a new application, from a new developer that has not been downloaded from the Microsoft Store.
You will have to be a bit patient and wait for its checking, or tell the antivirus that you trust the file.
We would NEVER ask you to disable your antivirus software, but if the certificate that Microsoft Defender SmartScreen has scanned is enough for you, you can ignore the antivirus warnings and speed up the installation.
The installer also includes an uninstaller. You will find it in the start menu when you select TimelyScript.